Checking Facts



Trying to counter allegations of liberal bias in his staff and fact checking on some of the outlandish posts one can find on Facebook/Meta, Mark Zuckerberg announced that much of his staff will be moved from California – you know, that liberal bastion out west – to Texas, with a governor who rants and raves against anything that smacks of humanity.


Austin, however, is not exactly the East Texas flats.  Home to a progressive community, it harbors art, music, culture, a thriving LGBTQ community, and a university.  Stating that he was relocating “content moderation” staff there to build “trust,” what just might happen is that Texas may get a few more liberals.


Kissing up to the right won’t solve Facebook’s problems.  It may simply magnify the obvious, namely, that Zuckerberg is fearful of possible changes.  Now we can have all kinds of garbage – remember the Obama birth certificate nonsense? 


Prayer for the Day


Offered visions of futures we cannot imagine,

     We turn aside for fear of change;

Invited to dream of a world beyond our comprehension,

     We shutter with the demands made upon us.

Move us beyond familiarity with the past, O Lord,

     And unbolt the doors of our minds and hearts.          

In the name of the One who opens us to all possibilities,

     Even Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen


Thoughts for the Day


When you come out of a storm you won’t be the same person that walked in. That’s what the storm is all about.

       Haruki Murakami, Japanese writer


Never trust your fears, they don’t know your strengths.

       Athena Singh, activist


Why do you boast, O mighty one, of mischief done against the godly?

   All day long you are planning destruction.

Your tongue is like a sharp razor, you worker of treachery.

   You love evil more than good, lying more than speaking the truth.

            Psalm 52: 1-3