Checks and Balances







Congress passed the bill and appropriated the money but now funding for all so called “Green New Deal” projects has been halted.  Claiming that we in America have an “abundance of energy” funding for many storm repair projects have been halted simply based on its legislative source. 


As a story in the New York Times points out 80% of the money passed by the Inflation Reduction Act has gone to Republican districts, areas like Camp Hill, Alabama, and central Nebraska. On Friday a federal judge ordered the new regime to comply with Congressional mandates on spending, but only for those states that brought the legal action. So Nebraska and Alabama are still out in the cold.


The Constitution provides for a checks and balances system of government to protect the people from autocracy. It’s important to pressure our members of Congress of both parties to respect those checks and balances so Nebraska and Alabama can rebuild and repair after storms as well. “We the People” applies to all of us.


Prayer for the Day


Searching for truths you would impart to us, O God,

   We come in this day and time asking for guidance;

Often startled by the callousness we see around us,

   We want to respond as we know we should.

May we look to new ways of being in community with others,

   Even those whom may disparage our concern.

In the name of the One who was turned out of his home town,

   Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.


Thoughts for the Day


These are real human beings. We have one woman in her 80s who lives alone, and if she does not get her roof fixed, well, we’re going to have a senior in her late 80s who is homeless.

            Warren Tidwell, Director, Camp Hill’s efforts to rebuild after a terrible storm


[In 1975, when Nixon tried to withhold funds] The Supreme Court unanimously held that the president has no inherent authority to withhold [Congressionally allocated] money.

            David Super, Law professor, Georgetown


At the set time that I appoint I will judge with equity;

   When the earth totters, with all its inhabitants, it is I who keeps its pillars steady.

I say to the boastful, “Do not boast,” and to the wicked, “Do not lift up your horn;

   Do not lift up our horn on high, or speak with insolent neck.”

            Psalm 75: 2-5