It's Only Cancer



Sometimes we ask whether there was ever a time when politicians cared more about people than petrochemical plants.  For the people living in what in is called “Cancer Alley,” an 85-mile stretch along the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans containing 150 chemical plants and refineries, the answer is “No.” 


Now the new regime is dropping the EPA suit against Denka, a Japanese owned plant that emits chloroprene, a known carcinogen, used to make neoprene, used in making wetsuits, gloves, and other items. DuPont sold the plant citing ”major concerns” that the plant would be closed due to the emissions. The action brought by the EPA, opposed by Louisiana governor Jeff Landry, wanted a reduction in emissions.  But money talks.


The five Census tracts with the highest concentration of cancer are within Cancer Alley, but, not to worry, for the Musk dwarfs will simply eliminate the data from websites so we don’t even know who’s dying.  It’s only the poor Blacks who don’t’ fund the governor or other wealthy politicians.


Prayer for the Day


When wilt thou save the people? is our cry, O God,

   Not polluting corporations or kings but us?

Shall crime bring crime forever, the singer asks,

   As we remember the words from Godspell.

Turning to you, O Lord, we ask in despair for hope,

   Enabling us to be part of saving the people.

In the name of the One who gives us hope,

   Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen


Thoughts for the Day


For the people in Cancer Alley and other poor people, we’ve got a hard future ahead of us.  We’re not going to be able to survive this.

            Robert Taylor, resident, Concerned Citizens of St. John (Parish), Louisiana


The absence of effective federal oversight is compounded by a state government that is not interested in protecting its people from environmental poisons. The state of Louisiana and its Governor, Jeff Landry are wholly owned subsidiaries of the fossil fuel industry. 

            Steven Cohen, Columbia University School of Professional Studies


The time is surely coming, says the Lord,

   When the one who plows shall overtake the one who reaps,

And the treader of grapes the one who sows the seed;

   The mountains shall drip sweet wine and all the hills shall flow with it,

            Amos 9: 13