In the midst of so-called “negotiations” to end the war in Ukraine, that is, handing the country to Putler, and the big oil’s plans to build pipelines throughout the Midwest, displacing small farmers and homeowners, the very people who voted for what they thought would be small government, a more insidious threat to our Nation has emerged.
Elon Musk’s cyber dwarfs are quietly gaining control of sensitive data from government agencies and on you and me without our knowledge. For example, they are shifting all kinds of education data, including personal information into AI software. This isn’t just about DEI but the loans and grants for post-secondary education to individuals
And it’s not just education, but NASA as well. And what about the required security clearances to access the data? Musk’s little elves don’t have it. This access to both government data and our personal data must make a dictator like Xi green with envy.
Prayer for the Day
Everything move so fast, O God, we hardly know what to make of it,
Wondering what will happen next with our freedoms;
Fearful that there’s no stopping how new systems can be used,
We look to our elected leaders to halt intrusion into our lives.
Rouse us, O God, so we curb the desire for absolute power,
Destroying our ability to control our own futures.
In the name of the One who gives us strength,
Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.
Thoughts for the Day
This is the largest data breach and the largest IT security breach in our country’s history—at least that’s publicly known. You can’t un-ring this bell. Once these DOGE guys have access to these data systems, they can ostensibly do with it what they want.
Contractor, working on classified government information-security systems
Going into these [air traffic control] systems without an in-depth understanding of how they work both individually and interconnectedly is a recipe for disaster that will result in death and economic harm to our nation.
One FAA employee
Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in their hearts;
There is no fear of God before their eyes,
For they flatter themselves in their own eyes
That their iniquity cannot be found out and hated.
The words of their mouths are mischief and deceit;
They have ceased to act wisely and do good.
Psalm 36: 1-3