Religious Extremism



The year began with the dreadful truck rampage in New Orleans causing such a loss of life. No question, religious extremism is deadly for both body and soul.  It deadens the mind, the ability to think, the realization that our questions may be yond any answers.   It gains ground by terror, and not just the physically violent kind.


Religious extremism gains ground because it offers certainty that there are “answers” to any question within the confines of certain beliefs.  No one likes uncertainty. That’s the appeal of the strongman in politics, a person who will establish certainty.  You only need to check your mind at the door.


Although it’s not the usual way we think of religious extremism, it can also be quite subtle in its approach, offering answers to every aspect of our lives. At bottom however, it mostly fears challenges to its worldview and will attempt to destroy any dissent through violence, if necessary.


Prayer for the Day


Knowing our inmost thoughts, O God, you know our limitations;                   

    Often fearing to trust in the abilities you created in us;

As you formed us in body, form us also in soul, O Lord,         

     So we are able to withstand the temptations to close our minds.

Grant that we do not fear open inquiry or critical thinking.  

     So we are able to live in a world open to your infinity

In the name of the One who is open to all,

        Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.


Thoughts for the Day


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

            Blaise Pascal, French philosopher (1623-1662)


Any kind of extreme in any religion is dangerous. It's just a way to control and violate the basic human rights of others. They diminish God in our world.

            Eileen Anglin, actress, video producer


Happy is the one who meditates on wisdom and reasons intelligently,

   Who reflects in the heart on wisdom’s ways, and ponders her secrets,

Pursuing wisdom like a hunter, and lying in wait on her paths;

   Who peers through her windows and listens at her doors;

Who camps near her house and fastens his tent peg to her walls;

   Pitching the tent hear her and so occupies an excellent lodging place.

            Sirach 14: 20-25