The Law Applies to Everyone



In 1755 BCE a ruling monarch did a remarkable thing: he established a code of laws to which he himself would also be held accountable.  Reigning from 1792 until his death in 1750, he brought all of Mesopotamia under his rule. Although guilt wasn’t determined by a jury of one’s peers, the Code did include a presumption of innocence.


Evidence presented to the tribunal was an important part of the code as well as a limit on retribution by the victim. The phrase “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” finds its origins in this code. The belief that no one is above the law is foundational to our trust in justice.


Although the Supreme Court has ruled that presidential immunity extends to all of a president’s “official acts,” it is more than difficult to see how fraud committed before a person becomes a President constitutes an “official” act.  Justice extends to all. Period.


Prayer for the Day


Give the king your justice, O God, the psalmist cries,

   Calling for the judgment of righteousness;

May our rulers defend the cause of the poor, O Lord,

   Giving deliverance to the needy, the psalmist declares.

Indeed, O God, may justice flow like a stream from the mountains,

   And refresh us all with the waters of equity and righteousness.

In the name of the One who is the water of life,

   Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen


Thoughts for the Day


To vacate this verdict on the grounds that the charges are insufficiently serious given the position Defendant once held, and is about to assume again, would constitute a disproportionate result and cause immeasurable damage to the citizenry’s confidence in the Rule of Law.

            The Hon. Juan Merchan, Justice, Supreme Court of New York


Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy.

            Pericles, as reported by Thucydides (495-429 BCE)


My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all day long,

   Though their number is past my knowledge.

I will come praising the mighty deeds of the Lord God,

   I will praise your righteousness, yours alone.

            Psalm 71: 15-16