This Is A Plus?



In the age of the Inquisition, it was a bit messier to curtail or eliminate scientific thought.  Galileo, shown the instruments of torture, decided he would recant his statement that the planets including earth, moved. He was fortunate; others were either hanged or burned at the stake.


Now, in the age of the internet, mental midgets just eliminate websites, curtail studies, or even argue as did Chris Wright, the new Secretary of Energy, that there are “pluses to global warming.” Certainly there are for him, his company Liberty Fracking now worth $2.8 billion with his compensatory share in 2023 at $5.6 million.


During Trump One, Liberty tried to drill in the Beaufort Sea, off the northern Alaska coast.  Earthjustice moved to stop the drilling because environmental damage had not been taken into account.  Now in Trump Two, will the courts step in again? Polar bears and sea mammals are certainly nomatch the so-called pluses of global warming.


Prayer for the Day


With your hand you brought us out of the dust,

   And with your breath you gave us life.

With your heart you formed us into your likeness,

   And with your soul you made us sentient beings.

May we respond to the power of your Spirit

   To the world around us and all who inhabit it,

In the name of the One who embodies your Spirit,

    Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.


Thoughts for the Day


As more sea ice disappears, the underlying ocean surface is exposed. This much darker ocean surface absorbs sunlight instead of reflecting it, allowing much more heat to enter the Arctic system.

            James Morgan World Wildlife Federation


It’s official, the Arctic is now warming three times faster than the rest of the world.  This is certainly no cause for celebration. The ever-increasing CO2 levels combined with short-lived climate forcers (air pollutants with a relatively short atmospheric lifetime) catalyse the rate of Arctic warming. 

          Dr. Heïdi Sevestre, glaciologist, for The Arctic Council (group of 8 nations)


Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?

   Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements –

Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? Or what were its bases sunk,

   Or laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together

     And all the heavenly beings sang for joy?

            Job 38: 4-7