


As a society we often hear proponents of the death penalty use passages from Hebrew Scripture use its statements such as “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” in support of the death penalty. Many of these people are supporters of so-called “pro-life” policies, claiming a distinction between innocent and guilty life.


True, old biblical codes laid out a list of crimes for which the punishment is death.  But, it seems that if we are followers of the One whose birth we will celebrate this week, we cannot – we must not – support even this form of what is called reciprocal justice. It’s so easy in the midst of peaceful images of Christmas to forget the really difficult road that Jesus laid out for us, beginning with the Sermon on the Mount.


Today, realizing that a new President will execute those on death row, President Biden will commute 37 of 40 federally imposed death sentences to life in prison without parole.  The three still facing death are those whose actions were based on racial or ethnic hatred. As Christians, can we ever support the state putting anyone to death?


Prayer for the Day


Entering our world of anger and vengeance, O God,

   You call us to go beyond our desire for retribution;

Breaking into our lives with a new way to live, O Lord,

   You tell us to overcome evil with good.

Embrace us with your presence helping us overcome

   Deep feelings of anger and vengeance.

In the name of the One who shows the way,

   Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.


Thoughts for the Day


Putting to death the person who killed my police partner and best friend would have brought me no peace.  The President has done what is right here, and what is consistent with the faith he and I share.

            Donnie Oliverio, policeman whose partner was murdered


Make no mistake: I condemn these murderers, grieve for the victims of their despicable acts, and ache for all the families who have suffered unimaginable and irreparable loss. . . In good conscience, I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume execution that I halted.

            President Biden on his decision to commute 37 death penalty sentences


You have heard it said, “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer.

            Jesus as reported in the Gospel of Matthew: 5:38-39