Remember 9-11? Remember the photo of the brave firefighters running up the stairs to certain death as others were running down? Remember the first responders who now more than 23 years later are still suffering from cancers and other illnesses acquired as a result of their heroic service? Well, apparently Elon Musk and his cyber dwarfs don’t.
In a rare public move NY and NJ Republicans rebuked Trump on Wednesday for cuts to the CDC program helping more than 100,000 survivors and responders that Musk had ordered cut. Senate Democrats wrote a similar letter on Wednesday to HHS Secretary Kennedy demanding restoration of vital staff to this program.
Have we become so callous that we just discard these people like so much trash? It seems so. And what about the veterans? More than 1,000 job cuts affecting veteran services. Is this how we repay men and women who gave so much to defend our Nation? What on earth is the matter with us that we have elected a man and his minions to treat people in such a way? We face God’s judgment for such actions.
Prayer for the Day
Unable to pretend that we are something we are not,
We have forgotten those who have sacrificed for us;
Caught up in our self-centered concern in our daily lives,
We are closing doors to living faithfully.
Awaken us, O God, to a fuller dimension of faith
Leading us to remember to truly care for others.
In the name of the One who calls us to care,
Even Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.
Thoughts for the Day
This is a betrayal of our heroes who stepped up and risked their lives to put our community back together in one of our nation’s darkest hours, and we will not let it stand. HHS Secretary Kennedy must reverse these cuts and terminations immediately.
Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator NY
Not only will this latest action [cuts of 1,000 VA employee] put veterans’ care and benefits at risk, but it further confuses, demoralizes, and threatens a VA workforce we need to fulfill our nation’s sacred promise to our veterans and their families who have already sacrificed so much.
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) and 35 other Senators in a letter to the VA
The wicked plot against the righteous, and gnash their teeth against them;
But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for their day is coming.
Psalm 37: 12-13